For those of us who watch british television we are more than familiar with "Doctor Who," but recently a new show has emerged. It's name: "Sherlock." It tells the stores from the popular Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The only thing that's different about this series from other movies that have been based on the novels is that it is a modernized version. It takes place in today's London.
The plots on this are fairly powerful. They combine elements from the books, or parody playfully with them in some way. The greek interpreter is called the geek interpreter is an example. Unlike other screen versions of the books the changes that it makes feel right. They are twist that you think Doyle would have smiled, and nodded at.
The themes are parallel to the books themselves. Both portray the rationalistic Sherlock Holmes stepping into a seemingly chaotic universe making sense of it all, and showing the virtue of that attribute.
The storytelling is also fairly well done. We see some neat glimpses into Sherlock's mind. We get to see what he observes, and we become impressed with what he deduces from them.
This is a great series, and I can't recommend it enough. It provides good parallel with the books, and has imbedded the themes well.