Wednesday, October 10, 2012

28 Days Later, Lifting the Weight of unbelief.

      Last summer I was on a horror movie kick. So, for the first time I saw the zombie film "28 Days Later." I remember lovng it, and for good reason. A good horror movie is supposed to tell us something about ourselves, society, or even the universe. For the latter read H. P. Lovecraft. A good horror movie will be able to lift the weight of unbeleif. It doesn't take much to believe in ordinary things like your car or a tree, but it does take alot to believe in Lovecraft tentacly deity Yogzathoth. As a whole "28 Days Later," succeeds as a horror movie.
     The plot of the movie is always on the move, even though it dealves deeply into the moral issues of killing. "It makes for a more intimate brand of horror, one we can't explain away by pretending we're watching the same old well-oiled Hollywood malarkey." (Rainer,1). The movie starts with a group of animal activists breaking into a scientific facility to free animals. What they do not know is that the animals are the carrier of a deadly disease. During a tustle with one of the animals on of the activist gets bit and so the apocolypse begins. We follow the story of a young man who has woken up, and doesn't know, at first why everything is abandoned. He follows a woman who is more knowledgable about the situation they are in.
      If you've ever read richard Matherson's "I Am Legend," the book the theme will be familier to you. It has to do what is the best we can hope for in a dark world. The two different charecters represent the two different lines of thought. the main charecter is rather optimistic. He hopes for everything that he had in his old life before the zombies. While Selina, claims "staying alive is the best they can hope for." This gives the movie a layer that goes beyond gore. "I enjoyed watching this film, mostly because Murphy and Harris make such an appealing central couple to build a new world around."
     The film also seems to have believability. This is a duel issue since it rests on both the acting, which was superb, and the special effects. The special effects were not bad, but not terribly good either. So, the acting hold the weight of the duality. "A thrilling, gory affair, 28 Days Later is a well directed, believably acted yarn and well worth a watch, particularly for Romero fans." (Saney,1).
      The movie succeeds as a horror movie since it is able to lift the weight of unbeleief. It does this by making a good plot. It has themes that draw the veiwer in, and it has convinceing acting. It easily succeeds as a horror movie.  

      Rainer, Peter. "28 Days Later (2003)." New York Magazine. 7 08 2004: 1. Web. 10 Oct. 2012.
      O'Hehir , Andrew . "28 Days Later." Salon.Com. 23 6 2003: 1. Web. 10 Oct. 2012.
     Saney, Daniel . "28 Days Later." Digital Spy. 14 07 2011: 1. Web. 10 Oct. 2012. <>.   

1 comment:

  1. What is it about Lovecraft that shows a good horror movie tells us something about ourselves? This is a deep and interesting notion, and I want to learn more about Lovecraft before I get to 28 Days Later. I also see Ranier and Saney in the text, but no mention of O'Hehir. Don't forget to mention him, too.
