The first reason is that Disney already owns “Marvel.” There hasn’t been much change in that franchise. So, why expect Star Wars to be any different? We don’t see Mickey Mouse rearing his ugly head into “The Avengers,” and by the way Disney owned them while they made that movie.
Although, I don’t like the choice of screenwriter. It was the same guy that made “Toy Story 3.” That movie, really? Why not get zombie Hitchcock to direct “Icarly,” while you’re at it?
The other thing is that they’re planning to do the next installment in an alternate plane of existence, at this point. This is the best move I’ve seen so far. This will keep the libraries of fan, or professional literature safe, and let Disney have the opportunity to make a new film.
At this point it’s all about keeping the fans happy. Personally, I would love to see Matt Sloan play Darth Vader. He played the Sith Lord in the most recent installment of “Force Unleashed,” video game, and does a series on his youtube channel about Darth Vader’s younger brother Chad who is a day shift grocery manager.
All in all I think we’ll have to wait to get a good idea of what these new films will be like. Often, in life that is what we must do.
I'm totally with you on this. Having seen Star Wars at the theater when I was 4 (boy, that ages me!), I have been a huge fan of Lucas and the franchise, well, until Episodes 1-3 came out. Oh boy, what a mess. I'm not even a Disney fan, but I met this news with a resounding cheer. I don't think Disney could make a worse mess of the franchise.
ReplyDeleteOne big difference between Star Wars and Marvel in motion pictures is that there is a huge fan base based specifically on comics for Marvel, right? I know Star Wars has a literary side of things, but those texts are arguably "pulp" and more like fan fiction, although I have heard rumors that Lucas has taken some ideas for Coruscant from some of the "based on" texts.
I agree, it remains to be seen. And what a great tidbit of data: I had no idea "Chad Vader" was actually Darth Vader in "Force Unleashed" video game. How about a link? And explain the problem with Toy Story 3 (many of us have never seen it...)
Well, we can hope and pray right? Nah, I have some faith in Disney, they have been treating their movie franchises pretty well, look at Pirates of the Caribbean (I actually enjoyed the 4th movie, wasn't quite as epic in my opinion, but I enjoyed it) and your example the Avengers was good, so I think this could work out for the better, the last 3 Star Wars movies seemed alright as I was growing up, but reviewing now I agree not to par with the latter 3 episodes 4,5, and 6, Disney has a lot of good lore to work with too, Mara Jade, and the books after, interested to see what they cook up. Hopefully not "other planes of existence" as you said, this isn't marvel where that works. (Unless I got it screwed up and you were talking about marvel)