Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Last Post

     In the last few months I've started blogging for my english 112 class at Nova community college. I've done blogs before, but not for class. Even so, I did learn how to hyperlink, and that will be helpful in any other blog I attempt. I think that blogger is a bit more geared toward hardcore writers like journalists, or science writer. A lot of lighter material can be found on Tumblr. If I were to continue this I would probably post it there.
     If I've learned anything on my topic it's that you can't judge any two movies by the same standard. Each genre is geared toward a different audience, and therefor has different guidlines to judge them by. The same is true from movie to movie.
     I most likely will not keep blogging, at least on this subject. I don't like writing about my own experiecnes. So, writing about something that's very hard to find objectivity on is difficult to me.
     I didn't really enjoy reading other movie bloggers. I found most of them to be boring, and I would rather just watch a movie myself.

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