In the last few months I've started blogging for my english 112 class at Nova community college. I've done blogs before, but not for class. Even so, I did learn how to hyperlink, and that will be helpful in any other blog I attempt. I think that blogger is a bit more geared toward hardcore writers like journalists, or science writer. A lot of lighter material can be found on Tumblr. If I were to continue this I would probably post it there.
If I've learned anything on my topic it's that you can't judge any two movies by the same standard. Each genre is geared toward a different audience, and therefor has different guidlines to judge them by. The same is true from movie to movie.
I most likely will not keep blogging, at least on this subject. I don't like writing about my own experiecnes. So, writing about something that's very hard to find objectivity on is difficult to me.
I didn't really enjoy reading other movie bloggers. I found most of them to be boring, and I would rather just watch a movie myself.
Cinema's Equinox
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Star Wars Sold Its Soul, Preparing For the Apocolypse

The first reason is that Disney already owns “Marvel.” There hasn’t been much change in that franchise. So, why expect Star Wars to be any different? We don’t see Mickey Mouse rearing his ugly head into “The Avengers,” and by the way Disney owned them while they made that movie.
Although, I don’t like the choice of screenwriter. It was the same guy that made “Toy Story 3.” That movie, really? Why not get zombie Hitchcock to direct “Icarly,” while you’re at it?
The other thing is that they’re planning to do the next installment in an alternate plane of existence, at this point. This is the best move I’ve seen so far. This will keep the libraries of fan, or professional literature safe, and let Disney have the opportunity to make a new film.
At this point it’s all about keeping the fans happy. Personally, I would love to see Matt Sloan play Darth Vader. He played the Sith Lord in the most recent installment of “Force Unleashed,” video game, and does a series on his youtube channel about Darth Vader’s younger brother Chad who is a day shift grocery manager.
All in all I think we’ll have to wait to get a good idea of what these new films will be like. Often, in life that is what we must do.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Big Bang theory, the sucess

The goal
of a good show is to reach out to as big a viewership as possible. The humor in
the show seems to be slightly reminiscent of the same network’s “Two and A Half
Men,” of the same network. Even though some of the references are for a few
they don’t negate, or are necessarily part of the overall humor. This can keep
both the geek, and non-geek audience happy and well pleased with viewership rather
I think
the other reason that it does well is that almost all the characters are pitiable
in some way. There’s the nervous one, the one that tries way to hard, and the
one who has a somehow playful disorder. We can empathize easily with these
If this
wasn’t good enough the show has been running for six seasons. Most shows don’t
make it past the first, if they’re good. “30 Rock,” being the obvious
exception. When one of the main actors was asked about the show he claimed that
he didn’t expect them to get past the pilot, but because it was somewhat of a
good, and new concept it got past the fresh season, and became a fairly
successful show.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Analysis paper Sources
I think the sources in this analysis paper I should choose the places that have had the best impact on the posts that i've done. One of them has definitely been This sight provides basic information to any movie I could think of, which is helpful in deciding what films I felt equipped to write on. Rotten Tomatoes was just as helpful. Although, this gave me links to other professional critics, which can be extremely helpful. The other source I want to use is "Danse Macabre," by Stephen King. It taught me to open my mind a little, and see movies as art rather than pure film and market.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Offensive Material In Movies
There is hardly a vulgarity which movies haven't touched. From sexuality to unspeakable violence. Morality is a set understanding of the way we understand right and wrong. So, the question is: what about movies? Is it immoral to watch certain movies?
Violence is one of the bigger topics among vulgarities in movies. If you watch it as a child there may be a case for not watching. After all the mind is still being formed, and is quick to absorb almost anything. Or take someone who is mentally impressionable. I would not show them a horror movie. However, if I watch say "Frankenstein." I'm not going to go grave robbing any time soon. If it doesn't influence my behavior, then it can be deemed as amoral.
Cursing is another piece that needs some thinking about. Our language can carry weight. Certain words can only do harm. The question is does the media we digest force us to curse? I don't think so. We are around other people all the time. At work, or at school we hear a mixed vocabulary. We hear these words in our world every day. So, why do we need to filter our movies, if we hear those words anyway?
Smoking, and drugs is another area. We see it all the time in movies. It can be argued that theses are destructive habits. It is the viewers that make decisions on whether they engage in them.
No one can argue that movies don't have vulgar elements. However, this doesn't mean we can't watch movies for moral reasons, necessarily. The viewer is free will, and free to choose what they do.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Cherry: On With the Independant.

Cherry is the story of a seventeen year old who is so brilliant that he gets into his college early. His mother is feircly overprotective, and it's obvious that they'll relationship is going to be strained during part of the movie from the start. During art class, a class that his mother didn't want him in in the first place, he meets a woman. A woman about the same age as her mom. They talk, and she takes him home. He sleeps on the couch while she entertains a man in her room. It is during this first visit to their home that he meets the woman's duaghter whom he says "talks way to god damn much." She is agitating, and a rebel in every sense. As the film goes on though we find iout the reasons for disfunction, and empathies with her. The film's main conflicts ahappen when trying to balance college life, and trying to help this family.
Thematically it has to do with the forbidden. In this case it has to do with the main charecter's romance between the mother, and the duaghter. Each of them is forbidden in a different, in fact the opposite way. One is far to old, and the other far to young. It has to do with love that is differentiated from sex. That's the entire point of the roomate charecter who personifies sex without love. The point of it seems to be that Love, that divine spark, transcends all.
The weight of the acting is enormous. There are alot of dramtic scenes of people crying. It demands alot for an audience member not to groan, or have a desire to turn off the movie right then. It was done believably enough to keep the action moving.
As an independant it does well. It has a good plot, a sustainable theme, and doesn't slow down the action. This was a good example of the independant.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World : Not Half Bad
I can only remember bits and pieces of “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.” However, the first time I watched it: I liked it enough to watch it again the day after. The movie is based on a comic book series, which as of date, I have yet to read. It proved to be good independent of any understanding of the comic’s world.
There are a good instances of storytelling where you can see that this came from a comic book. First, a lot of the characters have colored, or bleached hair. Second, a lot of the conversations seems a little bit like a hack. More of the characters are outrageous than normal, and situations are a little bit too contrived. Even so, it more than makes up for it with playful humor.
The special effects in the movie make the characters appear to be in a video game world. The characters get coins, lives, and after a fight sequence the letters K.O. appear. As far as video game movies go this goes a good distance in showing the kind of finesse needed to create this.
This movie reminded me of other movies with the main lead “Michael Cera,” but it is still worth noting his progress in the lovable nice guy role. This character seems to be a little more boy-like than other Cera counterparts.
This was a good comic book movie. It played off of other previous roles of Cera. It had good story,and heart. This was definitely a re-watch.
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